Babies Can Talk
ASL baby sign language book and CD features:
- Everything you need to effectively use American Sign Language, ASL, baby signs.
- Research and documentation supporting the benefits of baby sign language.
- Practical and easy-to-follow instructions and baby sign language advice.
- Clear Photographs of the signs.
- Age appropriate baby sign activities including songs and rhymes
- Free baby sign language downloads
- Free Online baby sign language book support
- 12 Free music downloads for signing songs with babies
- 12 Online baby signed song Video Demonstrations
Sign to Speak Babies Can Talk is the most complete baby sign language book on signing with babies featuring American Sign Language, ASL, available for parents, teachers, and childhood professionals. We use ASL words, letters, and concepts to provide early communication and learning rather than non-ASL or made up baby signs. ASL is the 4th most common language in the U. S. and our signs are spoken across the country. The baby sign language book provides everything needed to use ASL for early communication, learning, and fun with babies. This book focuses not only on language building baby signs, but also on baby signs that allow babies to express their wants and needs.
Dr. Marilyn Daniels, along with Ken and Georgia Frawley, have over 70 years of combined signing experience and offer you the most effective and practical advice information, and baby signs available to parents and teachers about using baby sign language featuring American Sign Language. Start signing in minutes. LEARN MORE
- Understand why baby sign language works and is not just a passing fad.
- Learn how baby signs reduce parent child communication frustrations.
- See how baby sign language enhances early learning.
- Learn how to make baby signs a part of your life and enjoy years of fun family signing activities.
Dr. Marilyn Daniels
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