
Signed Phonics Online Course
American Sign Language (ASL) & Engaging Songs
Easy- to-Learn Key Phonics Decoding Tools
Maximize Students Phonemic Awareness
Enhance Reading Readiness
Create Powerful Readers
Learn Phonics Rules along with alphabet, numbers, words and concepts of the 4th most common language in the United States – American Sign Language (ASL)
Phonics Course Features

- American Sign Language (ASL) – a real language, not gestures or made-up motions. Along with phonics your students will learn the alphabet and words to the 4th most common language in the United States.
- Phonics songs that are interactive and support each of our lessons. Our songs and lessons have been written by top teachers and children’s music artists who have won many national awards.
- No singing or signing experience is needed to succeed. Profit from our over 30 years of experience and helping teachers and early childhood professionals master our lessons quickly and effectively.
- Video demonstrations of all our phonics instruction that make it EASY TO LEARN each lesson. Each video offers insights, tips, and demonstrations on how to teach each lesson as well as presentations on singing and signing each song.
- Lessons that come complete with all resources you will need to learn and teach each lesson. Including downloads of materials, MP3 files, video links, clear instruction, insights, and tips.
- Multiple Learning Styles are combined (visual, physical, musical, and verbal) help to playfully intensify every student’s learning.
- Customizable options. Explore the entire series or identify any phonemic rule you wish to supplement and choose individual lessons.
- Multiple Learning Styles are combined (visual, physical, musical, and verbal) help to playfully intensify every student’s learning.
- Customizable options. Explore the entire series or identify any phonemic rule you wish to supplement and choose individual lessons.
- The Compete Signed Phonics course features:
- All nine lessons
- 13 Phonics rules
- 33 Phonics Songs MP3 files
- Over 200 American Sign Language word Signs
- All Downloads, Classroom Cards, handouts, and support materials you need for all songs and lessons.
- Additionally
- Our Signed Phonics Book
- More Phonics Songs MP3 Files
- A innovative approach supplementing your current curricula that children find fun and challenging.
- More Information on why ASL and Songs will prepare your students for a lifetime of reading and learning.
Signed Phonics Lesson Info
Lesson 1 – Sight Recognition. Learn the “how and why” ASL and songs provide for improved memorization and recall, the basic signing skills to be used in the entire course and letter recognition for all 26 letters and their Asl signs. Complete with Classroom ASL Letter cards, an ASL Letter Quick Review Chart and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 2 – First letter Sounds. Learn to use ASL to connect the letters of the alphabet with first letter sounds of words. Comes with easy-to-learn video instruction, ABC ASL Letter Object Classroom Cards, ASL Letter Quick Review Chart, download-able ABC books, and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 3 – First Letter Sounds. Learn ASL signs for first letter sound words that are used to reinforce this lesson. An expansion on Lesson 2 with more fun, songs, and challenges. Along with easy-to-learn video instructions you’ll receive our ABC ASL Object Letter Classroom Cards, ASL ABC Letter Quick Review Chart, all additional support materials and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 4 – Finger-spelling. This lesson supports the spelling words with letters and the manual alphabet at the same time. Concepts that support later lessons.
Lesson 5 – Single Sound Consonants. Learn the letters of the alphabet, and their ASL signs, that have only one sound. Learn to use songs in Rimes and in fun letter substitution songs that allow children to creatively manipulate single sounding consonants. You’ll receive all downloads of support materials and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 6 – Short Vowels. This lesson features short vowel instruction supported by ASL and fun short vowel songs and activities. Included in this lesson are video demonstrations of the CVC (consonant – vowel – consonant) rule. Students will an create their own CVC books. You’ll receive all downloads of support materials and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 7 – Long Vowels. This lesson features long vowel instruction supported by ASL and long vowel reinforcement songs and activities. Included in this lesson are video demonstrations of the CVCE (consonant – vowel – consonant – silent e) rule. Students will create their own CVCE books. You’ll receive all downloads of support materials and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 8 - Hard and Soft C, G, and S. This lesson will help students to identify the rules to decode the hard and soft c, g, and s sound in words by combining ASL and fun reinforcing songs. You’ll receive all downloads of support materials and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Lesson 9 – Letter H and Y / Review of all letters and sounds. This lesson includes ASL signs and songs to support the Tricky Letter Y, the Powerful Letter H, review of all the letters and sounds including a letter sound rap featuring all the letter sounds including hard and soft and long and short as a complete course review. You’ll receive all downloads of support materials and mp3 files for supporting songs.
Affordable | Easy to Learn | Fun and Educational | Supports all Phonics Curricula
“Choose this valuable Multiple Learning Style approach to phonics instruction featuring a REAL language, ASL, and not made-up gestures, songs & clear and easy-to-learn video instruction that will support and connect to any curriculum!!!”
Complete Series $99.95 | Individual Lessons $14.95 each
Discover just how easy it is to implement Signed Phonics, a proven and powerful way to prepare your students for a lifetime of reading skills.
Signed Phonics will:
- Boost phonics skills
- Raise reading readiness
- Establish strong reading skills through a student’s education
- Improve memorization and recall of these decoding tools
- Inspire creativity
- Stimulate a love for learning
- Position students for educational success
For any questions about our program please
email kenfrawley@gmail.com or call (714) 771-1981.