We Sign Award Winning ASL DVD's
We Sign award winning DVDs offer:
- Instructions, activities, and songs for using American Sign Language with Babies and Toddlers.
- Songs, instructions and demonstrations for new and traditional children’s songs that make it easy for parents, teachers and caregivers to use these fun songs along with American Sign Language, ASL
- Every song and activity includes American Sign Language, the 4th most common language in the U.S. Learn More about American Sign Language, ASL.
- Provides a wonderful way to teach language skills, increase vocabulary, support early learning, and enhance adult / child activities.
- Clear demonstrations and instruction of ASL signs in each video. Every song and activity features instruction and then a sing and sign along song demonstration.
- We have DVDs for various age groups:
- Babies and toddlers - Baby Songs, Babies and Toddlers 2, Play Time, and Fun Time,
- Preschoolers and elementary – Play Time and Fun Time along with all the rest of the DVDs we offer.
- Christmas Carols, Christmas Songs and American Patriotic songs.
- No experience with American Sign Language is needed to be successful with signing our activities with children of all ages. We provide you with everything you need to know but always sign at your own pace and ability. Though we show you all the signs you can use, start with the number of signs you are comfortable with signing and are reasonable for the age level of your children.
- We Sign DVDs are available with CDs included. Most of the CDs offer songs at 2 tempos - at recorded tempo and at a slower learning tempo. Fun Time / Play Time and Baby Songs are the exception to this.
- We Sign's goal is to teach parents, teachers, and early childhood professionals how to incorporate playful signing activities into the lives of all children, enhance learning, and to create an awareness for a 2nd language - American Sign Language, ASL.
We Sign DVD/CD Sets
We Sign ASL sign language DVDs are designed for various ages and purposes.
For Babies and Toddlers:

Babies & Toddlers 2 with Baby Songs DVD the Baby Songs CD features clear ASL instruction for baby and toddler signs. Included are the top 30 signs used with babies and toddlers, a 200+ word video dictionary, a Baby Songs DVD with demonstrations of 12 baby songs, and a Baby Songs CD for singing and signing – anywhere!

Baby Songs DVD/CD set features songs specifically designed for parents and early childhood caregivers to sing while signing. This ASL DVD helps babies to come to understand and use signs before they can say the words. The 12 songs featured here are the songs found in our
For Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Early Elementary:

This is a 2 DVD collection of our best preschool songs to Sign with ASL. Over 23 songs will encourage language growth, develop fine motor skills, teach core concepts and provide for hours of fun sing and sign along interaction.

This Award Winning DVD /CD set features ABC songs (at two tempos on the CD)) to sing and sign with children for the learning of the alphabet, first letter sound, and basic spelling. NOW INCLUDED Animals of the Alphabet.

This DVD / CD set features songs (at two tempos on the CD) to sing and sign for the learning of the numbers from 1 to 100 along with hundreds of vocabulary. NOW INCLUDED: Five Little Monkeys. Instructor and We Sign Kids Tracks

This DVD / CD set features songs (at two tempos on the CD) to sing and sign for the learning of colors along with 100’s of vocabulary words. NOW INCLUDED: Jacob Wore a Red Hat. Instructor and We Sign Kids Tracks

This DVD / CD set features songs (at two tempos on the CD) to sing and sign for the learning of 14 classic Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes along with 100’s of vocabulary words. Instructor and We Sign Kids Tracks

This 2 DVD / CD set features songs (at two tempos on the CD) to sing and sign for the learning of animals along with 100’s of vocabulary words. Instructor and We Sign Kids Tracks

This DVD / CD set features songs (at two tempos on the CD) to sing and sign that can be used all year round for signing fun and to learn 100’s of vocabulary words. Instructor and We Sign Kids Tracks
For All Ages:

This DVD/CD Set features new and traditional non-religious Christmas songs (at two tempos on the CD) that can be performed with ASL and is ideal for adults and children alike. Learn to sign each song from our instructor.

This DVD/CD Set features traditional religious Christmas Carols (at two tempos on the CD) that can be performed with ASL and is ideal for adults and children alike. Learn to sign each song from our instructor.

This DVD/CD Set features American Patriotic songs (at two tempos on the CD) that can be performed with ASL and is ideal for adults and children alike. Learn to sign each song from our instructor. Pledge of Allegiance is included.
We Sign DVD Original Series
The Original We Sign DVD series with Spanish language tracks.
The Core Learning Collection
These We Sign ASL DVDs feature sign language songs by theme based on core educational concepts that you children all learn. ABCs, Colors, Numbers, Rhymes, and Animals all teach these concepts in fun and challenging ways. They all have ASL instructor tracks to walk you through each song and sign step by step. These songs provide powerful ways for children to learn and remember while having fun.
Elementary and beyond ASL and sign language song DVD's:
These We Sign ASL DVDs feature sign language songs by theme offer challenging and fun ASL songs for elementary children through adult. More Animals teaches hundreds of ASL signs in a fun way. Classroom Favorites offers year round elementary songs with sign language. Patriotic DVD features great American Patriotic Songs that you can learn to sign. Santa’s Favorite Christmas songs features non-religious holiday favorites to sing and sign. Christmas Carols offers traditional religious Christmas Carols that can be sung and signed at home, school, or church.
The Early Learning Collection
Using We Sign
How to Use We Sign Products
All We Sign ASL DVD’s were designed to teach parents, teachers, early childhood professionals, and caregivers how to use sign language with all children of all ages. Our babies and toddler DVDs are specifically geared for this age group and are designed to enhance early communication while building vocabulary. Our toddlers, preschool and elementary ages DVDs will help to grow vocabulary, build language skills, enhance fine and gross motor skills and support the learning of core educational concepts.
The goal of all our DVDs is to allow anyone, with or without signing or singing experience, to learn, teach, and engage children with our fun and playful activities. With We Sign:
- No signing experience is needed. The DVD’s include instruction or an instructor track to demonstrate the signs that are featured.
- Sign as many or as few of the signs featured as you want. We have provided detailed instruction and demonstration on the signs that will be used in any of our over 100 songs. You can choose to sign all of them or begin with a few and add more as your proficiency increases.
- Adapt songs for your age group. Children find signing to be fun and challenging. Keep in mind that the younger the child, the fewer signs you should choose to use. As children get older and their physical skills increase, you can add more signs.
- Learn to sing and sign the songs first. The learning experience is greatly increased when parents, teachers and caregivers, learn each song or activity first. Once learned, they then instruct and help children to master the signs and songs. Children greatly benefit from this adult interaction.
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