Music and ASL Workshops and Lectures
Ken & Georgia Frawley

Ken and Georgia Frawley present highly acclaimed, hands-on, energetic, and motivational lectures and workshops. Their workshops are ideal for parents, teachers, and early childhood professionals to learn practical insights and easy-to-follow instructions on:
- Play-Along Activity & ASL Songs for Early Learning Workshop Songs. Playful and educational movement, American Sign Language, ASL, and creative language songs that can be designed for Toddlers, Preschoolers and TK- 3rd grade ages. This workshop offers interactive songs for children to learn vocabulary, phonics, core concepts and more.
- Baby Sign and Toddler American Sign Language, ASL, Songs and Instruction Workshop. American Sign Language, ASL, instruction for use with babies and toddlers featuring key signs, songs, rhymes, activities, and how-to instruction to foster language learning, communication, reading readiness, core learning, rhyming, and more.
- Say, Sing and Sign American Sign Language, ASL, Songs and Instruction for Core Concept Learning Workshop. American Sign Language, ASL, instruction for use with preschoolers and K-3 students featuring key signs, songs, rhymes, activities, and how-to instruction to support the learning of core concepts including ABCs, Numbers, Colors, Rhymes and more to support reading readiness, communication, classroom management, and fun.
- Signed Phonics, with American Sign Language for Preschool, K – 3 ASL and Songs Workshop. This workshop features songs and American Sign Language, ASL, to teach key phonics rules and concepts used to decode up to 80% of the English language.
- Support early communication.
- Enhance language development.
- Increase usable vocabulary.
- Support learning of key concepts:
- ABCs
- Numbers
- Colors
- Animals
- Rhymes
- Opposites
- Phonics
- & more
Teaching Action Learning Songs is made easy with our products and workshops. READ MORE or Teaching American Sign Language, ASL, Learning Songs. READ MORE Georgia and Ken demonstrate, in every workshop, how fun and easy it is to use interactive songs that use fine and gross motor skills to:
Every ASL sign, song, and activity will be clearly demonstrated along with important insights and tips.
Every workshop they present will provide educators with powerful tools to support learning. Best of all, every song presented can be found, for FREE, on their YouTube channel, We Play Along, to review the instructions and song demonstrations anytime they wish.
Georgia and Ken have over 60 years of combined experience in performing and teaching activity songs offer practical insights and easy-to-follow tips and instructional methods.
Download PDF's of these workshop handouts:
Workshop Products
Products Represented in Our Workshops Include: